The Shindenkan hombu staff have been making yearly trips back to Japan for the past number of years.
To date a total over forty five trips have been logged!
Albert C. Church, Jr., Shorinji Tekken Ryu/Kamishin Ryu, Head Family, believed in supporting the
martial arts in every aspect of his life. Mr. Church not only made frequent trips to
Japan but moved his family there in 1967. While in Japan he trained with numerous Japanese
master instructors.
Two instructors that helped shaped Church's training methods were Ryuho Okuyama, Hakko Ryu, Soke
and Shogo Kuniba, Motobu-Ha Shito Ryu, Soke. Kuniba sensei not only shared teachings concerning his
inherited training system of Shito Ryu with Church but also shared teachings of Mugai Ryu, Iaido as well.
It has been my goal to pursue similar training paths to understand more fully the influences
that affected Mr. Church's training outside of his martial systems.
In 2003 I began training with Hakko Ryu shihan. I eventually introduced Derek Morris sensei to them which lead
to him training with Irie Yasuhiro, Kokodo Jujutsu, Soke. Irie sensei, other than Okuyama's son, was
considered Okuyama's right hand man. Today Morris sensei is considered one of Irie's highest ranking students
of Kokodo Jujutsu in the U.S. and conducts yearly Taikai events at the Shindenkan Hombu dojo hosting Irie sensei.
I also sought out sword training within the Nakamura Ryu Batto-do training system. The Nakamura Ryu US representative,
at the time, was Guy Power, sensei. Power sensei was a student under Mr. Church in the early 1970's, which was during
the same time that I was training there.
To date Morris is one of the highest ranking U.S. students in Nakamura Ryu and conducts yearly Taikai events
at the Shindenkan Hombu dojo which hosts a team of the Nakamura Ryu Batto-do shihan, master instructors.
Today at the Shindenkan hombu dojo, our practitioners have the unique training option of making yearly
trips to Japan and training directly under the head families of Kokodo Jujutsu and Nakamura Ryu Batto-do.
Morris has been instrumental in organizing these trips and providing translation services as well!
The significance of these trips cannot be underestimated! By making yearly trips to Japan we are showing
our support and respect for the country and training systems. Also, the training has proven to be
beneficial to our students in developing a well rounded approach to the Kamishin system training especially!
The hombu staff feels that the cultural exchange has benefitted our students beyond words!
Photos of our Japan trips:
Entrance to the Sojiji Temple, Tsurumi, Yokohama, Japan
Petit sensei at the Sojiji Temple
Petit Sensei with Nidai Soke Tomoko Nakamura
Gravesite of Taizaburo Nakamura, Nakamura Ryu Batto-do, Soke.
Sojiji Temple, Tsurumi, Yokohama, Japan
Honno Embu - Ceremony acknowledging the 7th year of Nakamura sensei's passing
Pictured on front row:
Tomoko Nakamura, Nidai Soke, daughter of Nakamura sensei, front row, center.
Shimeo Sato, Hanshi, front row, right of center
Kenzo Nakamura, far right squatting
Yoshitaka Nomura, center, standing
Kamishin practitioners:
Ted Petit, standing, 2nd from left
Derek Morris, standing, behind Sato sensei
Donald Burke, standing, to the right of Derek